The photographs of two sections of
the Athens Acropolis,in homepage,
taken amid the flash of many cameras,ofthousands of people whowas taking photos the same time .
However no
other recordingof orbs outside the
present, wasnotknown. ( It is possible of coursetothere were other recordings
that were not published ).
This provesthat the orbs,are notrecordednecessarilyby everybody,
even if theyare taking photosofthe same object at the same
The discontinuity of the ability to recording, it seems to applyalsoto a particular person in different circumstances of placeand time.
The optical approximate
calculation, of the distance bythe observer of
an unknown bright shape, is only possible
if there are points ofreference.
Afterstudying over
1000 photographs of bright spheres ( orbs ), I observedorbs half-hidden behind nearby objects,thatweresituatedatclosedistance,like houses, trees, etc. (
Seethephotos ), but theywerenevercapturedbehinddistant ones( likehillsormountains ).
conclude that the sum oforbscaptured byacamera is foundata distanceof tens
of meters from the photographer.
Thelargestdistancethattheorbscan be capturedin camera,seems tobe affectedbythebrightnessof thecamera'sflash,bythebrightnessoftheorbsthemselves, bythebrightnessof theatmosphere,by the
atmospheric moisture, and other
factors that may affect this
distance, or the concept of
The publications of website are copyrighted.
When we study the pictures of these
bright spheres, it is easy to infer that calling these bright shapes ‘ spheres ' ( orbs ),
does not correspond to reality, for the following reasons.
a).A round bright shape is not
necessarily a sphere but can also be a disk, a lens, a hemisphere, e.t.c. This
reason is partly valid. It is true that some bright shapes can be perceived as
a hemisphere or a quadrant of a sphere, while the shapes of the disc and the
lens one ( without being completely excluded ) should be captured by another
angle as well, although this cannot happen. Moreover, the shadows of some round
bright shapes appear to be spheres.
b). The second reason their name is given arbitrarily is proved valid.
That is, not all bright shapes that are captured by a camera are round, but
they can also have the shape of a circle, a polygon, a rod, a toroid or even an
irregular shape.
In reality, the bright spheres can have any shape.
We call lights orbs, lights forms, that appear
in photographs, without most of the time to have become visible in natural
vision. We call orbs lights forms, thatpresentedaperfect circular shape.
We also distinguish them, in seemingly immobile and moving.
We are call them seemingly immobile, for perhaps these light forms are moving slowly. We also call moving, the light forms with an elongated bright trace.
All light spheres they are surrounded by a perimeter luminescence, in which there are concentric light housings, seperated by relatively dark zones. ( Picture 1. )
Moving towards the interior of the sphere, the light housings and the intermediate zones, become thinner and more inconspicuous as they are confused with overlying light structures. Usually two to four concentric light housings are clearly distinguished.
Light housings can not be distinguished in light spheres of exceptional brilliance, as well as in intense moving ones. ( With a great luminous trace ).
Light spheres of high brightness are surrounded by a blue-red luminescence. The red color always appears in the part of the perimeter that facing the inside of the photo, while the blue is in the periphery of the photo. ( Picture 2. ).
They follow photos of motionless and moving liht spheres.
We call spheroidslightsforms, whose perimeter, consists of two
circular arcs : a larger and a smaller one.
All the properties of lightsorbs,are also presentedonspheroids.
The spheroids, however, have an extra remarkable property :
The large arc of the perimeter is always focused on the inside of photography, whil the small bow to the periphery oh photography. ( Picture 2. ).
Therefore, in the blue-red spheroids the red color always appears in the large bow and the blue in the small.
Perhaps the shape of the spheroid is due to the interaction of the light spheres with the light of the camera. If this is the case, obviously this interaction does not happen everywhere, otherwise they would not co-exist spheroids and spheres.
Some orbs have dark areas, resembling holes, cracks or marks.
The following pictures show bright balls of various shapes, such as polygonal or irregular. The Φ42 distinguished a bright form that resembles a cylindrical torus, which appears in front of a bright rod.
The Φ42a is the electronic processing of the Φ42 which makes it more conspicuous.
Some lightsorbshaveelongated protrusions resembling channels .
In some photos, the channels are distinguished, with the usual
structure of bright spheres, while in others, the usual structure is not
distinct, andlightsorbsarepresented like tangled balls of wool.
In these photos, the whole site
seems full of channels,and lightsorbs,are just the brightestareasof this space.
There is strong evidence that all
the light orbs, carry that channels.
If this is true, then the names : '' orbs '' or '' spheroids '' areinaccurate for these bright forms, whose
exact name is : symvolometronia.
Συμβολομετρόνιο είναι το οντικό μέτρο μίας συμβολής νοών.
The following pictures,is
arranged in vertical pairs. In the upper photo of the couple shows an
enlargement of the original image, while the bottom,showsanelectronic processing,that makes it more conspicuous .
To distinguish human, humanoid or monstrous faces in orbs is easy, if you look carefully.
In some cases the faces is very distinctly, as in somefrom these photos, and in the following.