Correspondence between : Iphigenia Athena Promachos ( ) and Pyrfotos, for bright orbs, on the occasion of the small films : '' DELOS '' and '' ATHENA ''
Pyrfotos :
Thanks for the posting of : '' Delos ''.
If you want see and post this :
Iphigenia Athena Promahos :
I thank you !
Wonderful too.
I have taken a look at your blog and I would like to ask you what do you think are these spheres, there are different views... and Y and Π represent what ?
I wish not to be intrusive ...
Pyrfotos :
Friend Iphigenia Athena Promahos.
In thanks again for posting the : '' ATHENΑ ''.
The : '' Υ Π '' are the first two letters of the word : ΥΠΕΡΗΛΙΟΣ and are there as logo throughout the course of the homonymous film, for reasons of copyright protection.
I think the bright orbs as hyper-threedimensional entities.
The light from the flash of the camera, carry, in addition to the electromagnetic frequency and the frequency of the man who keeps it.
If the frequency of man is sufficiently high, then this light is meeting and reflected - so record - and higher dimensional objects.
If not, do not meets, not reflected on them and not recorded.
Moreover, the recording is most probable in favorable conditions of place and time.
It seems that the frequency of most people is constantly rising, so more and more people are recording bright orbs.
Iphigenia Athena Promahos :
Friend Pyrfotos, thank you very much for the information,
By the way, i threw a look at the previous dialogues that really impressed me.
I looked at your site and I like the seriousness you approached the subject, as opposed to several that are written and they are said.
The people as three-dimensional beings who we are i imagine that we can not understand a lot more than being and happening around us, and especially charms me that a photographic lens can be " immortalized " and display, forms and colors, maybe the technology currently available is not sufficient to accurately portray what is .... is it different to their true form ?
You got into your account if our ancestors have been reported on this phenomenon ?
and why the second video you called, aura ...? and ether came to my mind ....
Amazing both !
Thank you for your answers, I appreciate this a lot.
Pyrfotos :
Dear friend, Iphigenia Athena Promachos,
With joy I read your remarks.
I do not know if there is some reference for bright orbs in to the extant ancient literature.
The '' aura '', really refers to the ether.
Keep in mind that our physical body it is three dimensional, but we have functions such as feeling, thinking and intuition, which, can not be identified and measured entirely in three dimensions.
Various biochemical reactions associated with these functions, it is simply the projection of these functions to the physical body.
So, we are intelligent multidimensional beings.
We have namely an internal dynamic, the activation of which, upgrades us to beings in ever higher dimensions.
In some higher dimensions there are forms, and in some even higher there are no forms.
I think this answers the question : ΄΄ what is the real form of the bright orbs ? ΄΄.
Each dimension contains the lower dimensions consolidated and the higher dimensions in split.
This formula sets for each dimension and as to some point of reference, the existence or not of forms and their type.
Iphigenia Athena Promahos :
Dear Pyrfotos,
indeed, we are intelligent multidimensional beings and i suppose that this contact or conscious transition to other dimensions differs from person to person.
I think it depends of the spiritual level of development of each individual and of the ethereal body.
Your comments brought to my mind this very interesting, in my opinion, article that I quote you, than i understand, you have a good knowledge of the matter.
" In some higher dimensions there are forms, and in some even higher there are no forms."
Did the first case belongs to the sensible world and the second in the world of the conceivable ? i suspect..
You gave me an unexpected food for thought, and thanks for the valuable information that stir my mind and my imagination with these your stimuli that led me to several coherences.
'' Each dimension contains the lower dimensions consolidated and the higher dimensions in split. ''
Whenever you have time spoke to me please a little about this theme and forgive me for the bombing of questions but the conversation eventually evolved unexpected and interesting !
Pyrfotos :
Dear friend Iphigenia,
Imagine if you want, a superior dimension in which you perceive the space and the time consolidated ( namely you perceive the space as time and time as space ), while also you perceive light and sound in split ( namely you perceive lights and sounds ).
Imagine an even higher dimension, in which you perceive light and sound consolidated ( namely you perceive lights as sounds and sounds as lights ) while also you perceive for example the existence and the absence in split.
Imagine an even higher dimension, in which you perceive the existence and absence consolidated, namely you perceive existence as absence and absence as existence, ( incidentally this is the first level of absence of forms for humans ) and you perceive in split, other pairs of abstract concepts, such as the unity and separation, knowledge and ignorance, harmony and chaos.
When you reach ( so to speak, since above the unified existence - absence, does not pass anything by lower self ) to not perceive any concrete, abstract or super - abstract concept, then you will have exited from all the perceived reference systems and you will experiencing, something that may later you call it : absolute, inexpressible, etc.
But as you rightly say, this transition is different from person to person.
Someone is not very familiar with the abstract world, may exited from all the perceived reference systems in a level at which someone else, even perceive, the split manifestation of some super - abstract concepts.
Of course this second, will exit from all perceived reference systems to a higher level.
So, although both would agree that they experienced the same thing, it is possible the absolute of one to be different from the absolute of the other.